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As Discord has its own slash commands interface, we will be using that for this guide.
If you cannot use slash commands for whatever reason, you may use the text interface on Universal commands by replacing the /
with the instance's prefix (for Unifier public instance, it's u!
If you are unsure if a command is universal, run /help
or u!help
, search for the command you're trying to run, and check if it has the emoji next to it.
First, ensure that your Unifier instance has all the necessary permissions. For it to properly function, it should have:
Read messages Required for detecting messages sent in chat.
Read message history Required for replying to work.
Send messages Required for Unifier to send responses to commands.
Embed links Required for embeds, as well as for displaying embeds from bridged messages.
Attach files Required for displaying attachments from bridged messages.
Manage webhooks Required for receiving bridged messages.
(Optional) Use external emojis Required for displaying user emojis, but not required for bot to function.
(Optional) Manage messages Required for Global Emojis, but not required for basic bridging functionality.
If any of these permissions are missing, the bot may NOT work in your server.
Under any circumstances, do NOT grant Unifier the Administrator permission. This permission is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS, and it should NOT be granted to any bot, not even Unifier.
As described in the AGPLv3 license, UnifierHQ does not provide any form of warranty, nor does it claim any sort of liability for damages. Although we may release patches and publish a security advisory if the damages were caused by a security vulnerability, you may not hold UnifierHQ members responsible for any form of damage.
For safety reasons, Unifier will refuse to work if it has been granted Administrator permissions. Self-hosters can disable this check, but it is not recommended.
Unifier lets you create Private Rooms for you and your friends and communities to chat together without having to worry about unwanted servers joining in.
To create a Private Room, simply run /bridge create-room
to create a room. Your Room will be given a random name, which Unifier will send through the command response. This is your Room name, which you can use to manage your Room settings.
If you want, you can always set a display name for this Room using /config display-name
If Private Rooms aren't enabled on your instance, please contact your instance operators for assistance.
If you're trying to bind the server you created your Private Room in to your Private Room, you don't need a Room invite for this. You will only need it for other servers.
If you're trying to bind to a Public Room, you don't need an invite regardless of the server (hence the "Public").
For servers to join your Private Room, you will need to create an invite. You can create an invite by running /config create-invite
. You will need to provide the Room name when running the command.
Every invite, by default, is valid for 7 days and has unlimited uses. You can customize these if you wish.
Although permanent invites (i.e. invites that don't expire) are available, they are not enabled by default. If you need this, please ask your instance's owners for assistance.
Once you run the command, Unifier will create an invite and send it to you through DMs. This is your invite code.
If you forget your invites, you can always run /config invites <room>
to view your Room's invites. Unifier will DM the Room's invites to you.
To bind to and unbind from rooms, you need Manage Channels permission.
To connect to a room, you will need a channel for the room. We recommend you create a dedicated channel for the rooms rather than using existing ones.
After creating the channel, please make sure there are no channel permission overrides that limit Unifier's permissions (you do not need to check for overrides that grant additional permissions to Unifier).
Connecting to a Unifier room is simple and straightforward. You can see what rooms are available to you by running /bridge rooms
. If there are no rooms available, contact your instance admins for help.
In the channel you want to bind the Room to, run /bridge bind room:<room>
, where <room>
is the name of the room you want to connect to, or if the room is a Private Room, an invite code to the Private Room.
Before you bind the channel to the room, you'll need to accept the rules of the room. On Discord, you will need to press "Agree & Bind" to connect to the room.
Once you have completed your steps, your channel should be connected!
If you're done using an invite, we strongly recommend you revoke it. An invite will let any server join your Private Room.
To revoke an invite, run /config delete-invite <invite>
where <invite>
is the invite code.
This is intentional behavior to prevent duplicate pinging and cross-server raids. All messages sent through the bridge cannot ping anyone in any server, even if the correct mention is in the message.