Unifier Micro
This guide is for Unifier Micro v3.0.0 and newer. If you're installing an older version of Unifier Micro, consult the legacy guide instead.
Minimum system requirements
Memory requirements will depend on many factors such as but not limited to cached messages and number of servers the bot is in.
Unifier Micro can be installed on Python 3.13.0rc2 and newer but has the following caveat:
Nextcord in some cases cannot be installed using user installation. In this case, it must either be installed on a virtualenv or globally.
Please note that this is for advisory purposes only and we will remove this note as soon as we learn the above issues have been patched.
Unifier Micro requires the following:
64-bit CPU that can run Python 3.9 or newer
At least 50MB of available RAM, meaning excluding RAM already being used by the system and other apps
An internet connection
Python 3.9 or newer
Recommended system requirements
We recommend the following for Unifier Micro:
64-bit CPU based on x86_64 or ARM64 that can run Python 3.11 or newer
15 Mbps or faster internet connection
Python 3.11 or newer
Running Unifier Micro
To run or install Unifier Micro, you will need to launch the "bootloader". The bootloader checks if there is already a Unifier Micro installation present before starting Unifier Micro, otherwise it will run the installer.
On Linux, macOS, or any other compatible systems that use bash, run ./run.sh
. We recommend you run this in a screen, so Unifier Micro can keep running even after you close the terminal or SSH session to your host server.
On Windows, run ./run.bat
Managed (Pterodactyl)
Pterodactyl containers run on top of a Linux system, meaning that it can run bash programs. However, some Eggs might not support this, and may restrict you to running Python files only.
If you can customize the startup command, set it to sh run.sh
If you can customize the "App PY file" field, set it to boot/bootloader.py
Start the server once one of the above have been set.
Installing Unifier Micro
From v3.0.0, the integrated installer automatically handles installing dependencies.
Your console should output the following if no Unifier Micro installation has been detected:
Unifier Micro bootloader will not ask which installation option you would like to install, as we only offer the Standard option.
Type "y" to install Unifier Micro, then follow the instructions provided by the installer. After installation is complete, Unifier Micro will automatically start.
Further setup
Assigning moderators
To help keep your chat clean, Unifier lets you add moderators that can delete messages and temporarily or permanently ban users from Unified Chat. Admins can assign them by running u!addmod @user
, or unassign them by running u!removemod @user
. The changes will be reflected in data.json
Making a room
Unified Chat depends on "rooms". If you send something in a channel linked to the main
room, they will be sent to all other channels linked to the same room.
Rooms can be created by admins only. To create a room, run u!make <room>
. You can add rules using u!addrule <room> <rule>
, lock authors to admins only using u!roomlock <room>
, and restrict people who can connect to your room to admins only by using u!roomrestrict <room>
Congratulations, your Unifier instance is ready to go! Follow the Getting started for the official instance to connect your servers.
Last updated