Global emojis

Unifier has a feature called Global emojis, which allows Unified Chat members to use other servers' emojis, all without joining the source server or buying Nitro. We let servers have the choice to decide whether to enable or disable access to their emojis, in case the servers may have some rather..."questionable" emojis that they don't want others to use (or just don't want to share their emojis for whatever reason).

So, how do you use Global emojis on UniChat?

For server admins

You can share your fabulous emojis with the rest of the Unified Chat world by running u!toggle_emoji! This will either enable or disable emoji sharing, depending on what you set it to earlier.

Once emoji sharing is on for your server, they will show up in u!emojis!

For members

You can use global emojis by typing [emoji: emojiname] somewhere in your text! So maybe you can send something like lol i was responsible for that [emoji: nevheh] to annoy your friends with that devious "Nevira doing the Anya smirk" emoji, which your friends can reply with let's see what happens next then [emoji: neviraldi] to intimidate you with the "Nevira being Baldi" emoji. (You definitely don't want to get hit by that ruler.)

If you want a list of all emojis you can use, run u!emojis [index]!

Last updated